The views expressed in these articles, commentaries or recordings are those of the author and/or presenter at the time created and is for informational purposes only. They do not necessarily reflect the views of FPA or the distributor. Future events, results or views may vary significantly from those expressed and are subject to change at any time based on market and other conditions, and FPA and/or the distributor disclaims any responsibility to update such views. No forecasts can be guaranteed, and certain assumptions may prove to be inaccurate. These views may not be relied upon as investment advice or as indication of trading intent on behalf of any FPA portfolio or the distributor and should not be construed as an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to buy securities or any product mentioned. FPA shall not be responsible for any trading decisions, damages or other losses from or related to the information, data analysis or opinions or their use. This information and data has been prepared from sources believed reliable. However, the accuracy and completeness of the information cannot be guaranteed and is not a complete summary or statement of all available data. FPA has received certain nominations or awards by third-parties as reflected herein. Investors should review the criteria for each nomination or award as reflected on the third-party’s webpage. You should not construe the contents herein as legal, tax, accounting, or other advice or recommendations.

You should consider the Fund’s investment objectives, risks, fees and expenses before investing. The Prospectus contain this and other important information which should be read carefully before investing. 

April 3, 2024

Tom Atteberry, Senior Advisor to, and formerly partner of, FPA to speak at Morningstar Investment Conference in Chicago on June 27, 2024

Please click here for Standardized Performance for FPA New Income Fund (“Fund”). Please click here for the principal risks of investing in the Fund. You should consider the Fund's investment objectives, risks, and charges and expenses carefully before you invest. The Prospectus details the Fund's objective and policies and other matters of interest to the prospective investor. Please read this Prospectus carefully before investing. The Prospectus may be obtained by clicking here, by calling toll-free, 1-800-982-4372, or by contacting the Fund in writing.  The FPA Funds are distributed by UMB Distribution Services, LLC. UMB and FPA are not affiliated.

There is no guarantee that the Fund will achieve its investment objectives. The portfolio holdings for the Fund as of December 31, 2023 may be obtained here.

Morningstar Fixed Income Manager of the Year Award: FPA has received certain nominations or awards by third-parties. Investors should review the criteria for each nomination or award as reflected on the third-party’s webpage. Morningstar fund manager nominations and awards are presented to fund managers who have distinguished themselves over the past calendar year and have achieved strong risk-adjusted historical performance through the careful execution of their investment strategy and responsible fund stewardship. Morningstar Inc.’s awards are based on qualitative evaluation and research, thus subjective in nature and should not be used as the sole basis for investment decisions. Morningstar’s awards are not guarantees of a fund’s future investment performance. Morningstar Analyst Ratings involve unknown risks and uncertainties which may cause Morningstar’s expectations not to occur or to differ significantly from what they expected. Morningstar, Inc. does not sponsor, issue, sell, or promote any open-end mutual funds including the FPA Funds. For more information, please see

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Past performance is no guarantee, nor is it indicative, of future results.

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